Christian Studies 10: Introduction to Apologetics

Christian Studies 10 is a sophomore level course which introduces students to the biblical and theological foundations of Christian apologetics. The course is designed to provide partial preparation for students to participate in the competitive speech event “Apologetics” as implemented by Stoa, the national organization for homeschooling speech and debate.

The Stoa apologetics event includes a database of 150 questions in 5 broad categories: The existence and nature of God; the Scriptures; the nature, purpose, and destiny of man; the person of Christ; and Salvation, or to Know God. Christian Studies 10 will cover 15 of these questions, taking three representative questions from each of the five broad categories.

Class time will be devoted to:

  1. lectures and discussion from assigned readings which provide background and context to one of the apologetics questions
  2. delivering practice speeches in the format specified by Stoa

Part of the student grade in the class is peer critique using the judge’s form currently in use in Stoa.